Driving Range

Excellent Practice Facilities On Which to Hone Your Game!

If working on your game is your idea of fun, then DeBell Golf Club has the type of practice facility where you can sharpen your golfing skills daily. Our practice facility boasts 21 hitting bays with several targets to keep your focus and create the feeling of actually playing a course, thus improving the quality of your practice.
In late 2021, the DeBell driving range went through an extensive renovation project. Level grading, new irrigation, and almost 3 acres of turf were added to dramatically improve the experience for our golfers. On January 8, 2022 the range hosted a grand opening celebration in which Robby Krieger of The Doors played and hit the cermonial first shot to officially open the driving range to the public again.
Located near the clubhouse for easy access and open all day, our practice facility is the ideal place for you to work out the kinks in your game and perfect your swing. To aid in your quest for lower scores, our staff of certified PGA and LPGA professionals are ready and willing to help you with your game!

Driving Range Hours of Operation

Monday: 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM (Closed until 10:00 AM to clean pick)

Tuesday: Sunrise to 9:00 PM

Wednesday: 6:00 AM to 8:30 PM

Thursday: 10:00 AM to 8:30 PM

Friday, Saturday, Sunday: Sunrise to 9:00 PM

*Last bucket sold at 8:30 PM
*Hours are subject to change due to holidays and/or weather related events. Please contact the golf shop for more information.


Driving Range [Baskets]
Small Bucket $7
Medium Bucket $12
Large Bucket $15
Driving Range [E-Range Keys]
Purchase an E-Range Key and Receive More Value
$50 Key $75 Value
$100 Key $150 Value
$200 Key $350 Value